D&D In Room 214

A Club for Fantasy Adventures

Caleb Pruss-Hansen

This year after school, Dungeons and Dragons club seeks to create a safe community with a focus on building important life skills. Not through a classroom setting with homework, notes, and lectures but through epic tales of fantasy where students are the main characters. 

Created last year by Mr. Bettendorf, the club meets on Wednesdays in room 214 at 3:30 and goes until 6. And while the game may be fun, he had bigger reasons than wanting some after school fun for creating the club.

“I just saw how it, like, brings people together,“ he said explaining part of his motivation. The other part of his motivation is teaching students life skills through Dungeons and Dragons.  “It’s good for community building, it teaches a lot of really good skills, everything from communication skills, to roleplaying skills, creative writing, debate, tactical combat, map skills,” he listed, naming conflict resolution and cooperation as the most important.

Admittedly, Dungeons and Dragons is a complicated game that has a learning curve. But once you conquer the learning curve, the game becomes easy and you focus less on the rules and more on the story. What’s more is that there is no experience or expensive material students need to join and start learning.

“The best way to learn it is to just do it, and then the DM [Dungeon Master] and more experienced players will help you” he said, dispelling any notions of a need to know how to play to join. Similarly, students don’t need to bring gaming dice or a Player’s Handbook if they don’t have them. What students do need, however, is “an open mind and some patience” and a pencil.

 If this all sounds great and you’re interested but still unsure about becoming an adventurer yourself, then Mr. Bettendorf has some advice for you.

“Just try it” he said, adding “It might very well be your thing. I didn’t think it was going to be my thing until I did it and it was my thing.” And if it turns out to not be your thing, then don’t sweat it.

No matter who you are, Dungeons and Dragons club is looking for adventurers of all types to create their own stories. Beyond the life lessons, Mr. Bettendorf noted what the club provides to all its’ members.

“It’s like Hero for a day. And we all want that.”