CLC’S Northeast Debut

Do you want free food and snacks? Lucky for you CLC provides snacks during this new after school program.

Jorge Hidalgo

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CLC runs everyday after school from 3-6pm, except for Tuesdays which runs from 2-6pm. The CLC program at Northeast is intended for the students, families, and the entire community. The program is completely free for anyone and provides a great amount of resources for all students to take advantage of. 


 A mistake often made is believing that Rocket House has been replaced by CLC, when in reality it has been made to fit in and be a part of the new CLC program.  CLC offers many unique, fun and engaging clubs. Some of the current examples would be Art Club, Dungeons and Dragons, Latinos Unidos, Slam Poetry and Kaleidoscope. Within the next couple of months they hope to bring even more clubs for a greater variety of clubs.


The program CLC is new this year at Lincoln Northeast ran by site director Erin Voichoski, and has already shown great participation with clubs reaching ten to twenty members each day. The program was brought to Lincoln Northeast to provide opportunities and growth for engagement from both students and parents in the community. 


CLC is a great opportunity for students and the community to get involved with the school. It offers great resources for students to have a successful school year. When speaking with Erin Voichoski, she said that the ultimate goal of the program is to help make every student successful. If any questions or inquiries were left unanswered, you can contact site director Erin Voichoski at [email protected].