Black Girls’ Resilient Leadership Academy

Kendall Broussard

“I am beautiful.

I am resilient. 

I am a leader.

I am confident.

I am smart.

I am courageous.

I am worthy.

I am strong.

I am capable.

I am a leader.

I am beautiful.

I am resilient.” 


This beautiful stanza is an everyday motto we live by in the Black Girls’ Resilient Leadership Academy. This group was put together by a black sorority from the University of Nebraska Lincoln in the middle of October, at Northeast High School. 


African American ladies from grades 9-12 were invited to attend and most have continuously made an appearance. Every other Thursday we come together and strategically plan to pursue our future. The club is fairly new, but within the past visits we have built our foundations, studied time and money management, and discussed our opportunities within the black community. 


This club was conducted for one simple reason, we are seen as a minority in America. I believe an empowering foundation is exactly what this group of girls need. The love and encouragement that the sorority sisters offer is unmatched. The goal of this club is to educate these young ladies on the importance of life decisions and goals. As teenagers, more times than not we need help planning our future. That is what this academy is all about! These wonderful women brainstorm new activities and ideas to contribute in hopes that we will learn from them. Two is better than one, together we are strong, and together we rise to success. 


They plan to continue this group second semester, hopefully they do! Students seem to have a great time when the group meets! The sorority also provides educational support if students are planning to attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln!